
Pet Radiology & X-Rays

Radiology offers a thorough veterinary diagnosis to uncover any hidden ailments that may be affecting your pets.

cat on an x-ray machine

Pet Radiology & X-Rays in Greensboro, NC

At the Animal Medical Centre of Greensboro, we prioritize precise and accurate diagnosis with state-of-the-art radiology equipment.

vet discussing x-ray results with dog owner

Advanced Pet Radiology Technology

Harnessing the power of cutting-edge radiographic equipment, our veterinary hospital provides unparalleled insight into your pet’s health. From routine X-rays to more complex imaging procedures, our experienced veterinarians utilize advanced technology to capture detailed images with precision and clarity.

Comprehensive Diagnostic Capabilities

With our pet radiology services, we can accurately diagnose various conditions, including fractures, orthopedic issues, and internal organ abnormalities. Whether your pet is experiencing sudden lameness or unexplained discomfort, our team is equipped to perform thorough evaluations and provide timely diagnoses, enabling us to develop tailored treatment plans that meet your pet’s unique needs.

Key Services and Benefits

  • Precise Diagnosis: Our advanced imaging technology allows us to accurately identify underlying health issues, facilitating prompt and effective treatment.
  • Comprehensive Care: From initial evaluation to ongoing monitoring, our team is committed to supporting your pet’s health every step of the way.
  • Experienced Veterinarians: Our skilled veterinarians have extensive training and experience in interpreting radiographic images, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment recommendations.
  • Compassionate Approach: At Animal Medical Centre of Greensboro, we understand that your pet’s well-being is your top priority. We strive to provide compassionate care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.